Lighting systems

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 Lighting systems

When artificial lighting started becoming wide-spread, the room was usually equipped with one lighting fixture in the middle of the ceiling. This, however, rarely is the best way of lighting a room. Illuminated this way, the room appears smaller, as all light is concentrated in the middle, and the wall surfaces receive little of it. As light naturally attracts people, all activities thus, also become concentrated in the middle of the room. This is why it is better to divide the light over several areas determined by the functions of the room. It is also important to light the peripheral surfaces to enhance the atmosphere of the room.

 Illuminating its various details also enriches the room. Optimal lighting requires several fixtures, and their lighting capacities often prove more important than their looks. Beautiful lighting fixtures will always play an important part in illumination, but the share of fixtures integrated in technical structures will increase, as the light and lighting are a central factor in creating the mood of the room. A good lighting solution also makes it possible to create different moods. This can be achieved by adjusting the lighting or selecting the correct fixtures. For example, the room can be lit with lighting fixtures of a generalized type: a standard or table lamp with a shade, a ceiling fixture with diffused radiation, a wall fixture etc.

 This kind of lighting could be described as gentle, soft, friendly, almost shadow-free (as on a cloudy day).

 On the other hand, the room can be lit by spotlight-type fixtures; directional spotlights, a ceiling fixture that gives limited light over a table, and down light solutions.

 In this case, the end result can be described as harsh, interesting, fascinating, but also aggressive and glary with sharp shadows (a sunny day).

 In the same room, different lighting fixtures can be used to create the desirable mood. When testing people's preferences, opinions for such as the above examples, are divided almost equally, with the second alternative, however, being slightly more popular. It is believed that this is because the first impression when entering the room is stronger and more interesting. A room decorated with light surfaces is easier to illuminate, and a well-lit impression can be created with less light than in a dark room. In case the surfaces are dark, lighting fixtures of the general type do not work well, and it is easier to get good results with spotlights. In a dark room, glare is often also a problem, as the eye adjusted to dark surfaces meets a bright light.

 In the same room, different lighting fixtures can be used to create the desirable mood. When testing people's preferences, opinions for such as the above examples, are divided almost equally, with the second alternative, however, being slightly more popular. It is believed that this is because the first impression when entering the room is stronger and more interesting. A room decorated with light surfaces is easier to illuminate, and a well-lit impression can be created with less light than in a dark room. In case the surfaces are dark, lighting fixtures of the general type do not work well, and it is easier to get good results with spotlights. In a dark room, glare is often also a problem, as the eye adjusted to dark surfaces meets a bright light.

 In the point of view of seeing, the qualitative properties of light often are more important than the quantitative ones. Qualitative properties of light: no glare - direct glare - indirect glare = luster good color repetition - shiny contrast - correct color temperature - flicker-free light